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Belarusian Translation Services

The Belarusian language is the language of the Belarusian people. It is the official language of Belarus, along with Russian, and is spoken abroad, chiefly in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. Prior to Belarus gaining its independence from the Soviet Union in 1992, the language was known in English as Byelorussian or Belorussian. Following independence, it was also called Belarusan.

Belarusian is one of the East Slavic languages, and shares many grammatical and lexical features with other members of the group.

The Belarusian language is declared as a "language spoken at home" by about 3,686,000 Belarusian citizens (36.7% of the population) as of 1999. About 6,984,000 (85.6%) of Belarusians declared it their "mother tongue". Other sources put the "population of the language" as 6,715,000 in Belarus and 9,081,102 in all countries.

Our team of translation experts will ensure that your Belarusian translation is accurate.

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